A random mental walk.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Verbifying Effort

CNN reporitng on a Barr article in the Atlantic (https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/27/politics/william-barr-trump-election-claims-break/index.html):

"For his part, Barr took aim at the legal strategy Trump was efforting at the time with the help his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, telling the president that any election-related legal challenges "would have taken a crackerjack team with a really coherent and disciplined strategy."

Efforting? Who the bleep uses that term?  Devan Cole (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/devan-cole).  I thought of mocking up a wanted for abusing the English language graphic but decided the effort wasn't worth it.  I just sent feedback to CNN telling them that if they listened closely in the still of the night they'd be able to hear composition instructors weeping.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Briefcases Replace by Backpacks?

I went through some clickbait recently about what people over 40 still do which is uncool.  (I'm intrigued by the idea that people over forty feel a need to be cool.)  One of the uncool things was briefcases.  

For years now I've been hauling my stuff in backpacks because 1) backpacks hold more than a briefcase and 2) It would be presumptuous.  On the other hand, a briefcase with metal protecting the corners is probably a better weapon, but I digress.

This came to mind when I saw the REUTERS photo of the lawyers for Elizabeth Holmes going to court lugging backpacks.  

When high-priced lawyers (I'm assuming that Holmes is well represented) eschew briefcases does this indicate a problem for briefcase manufacturers?  Should I be stocking up on put options?  

A quick web search showed there were "briefcase backpacks".  (Lululemon was out of stock.)  It probably means that those who cater to the former briefcase wielding crowd have already responded to demand and I am once again in the social derrière guard. 

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