A random mental walk.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

"Famous author ripped after trashing the Bible"

The headline comes from an article is on Fox News (https://www.foxnews.com/media/famous-author-ripped-after-trashing-bible-work-fiction-fertile-ground-for-hypocrisy), but I got it from MSN (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/famous-author-ripped-after-trashing-the-bible-as-a-work-of-fiction-fertile-ground-for-hypocrisy/ar-AA1mViRw) 

From the article:

"Oates declared, "The bible, as you call it, is a work of fiction; or rather, an anthology of fictions. It is not ‘the’ bible for much of the world's population & those who claim it as their own select those verses that appeal to them while ignoring other verses. Fertile ground for hypocrisy."

Various right wing and religious people weighed in.  My own feeling is simple.  Joyce Carol Oates is renown as a brilliant author.  Who better to recognize a work of fiction, an anthology based on the variety of styles, and the use of selected quotes for misuse?

I rest my case.

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Trust Jealousy/Lenny

Aria Yang's article ("When I get jealous of people, I use that envy as a guidepost. Here's how it led me to quit my prestigious Big Law job" https://www.businessinsider.com/big-law-associate-quit-job-jealousy-career-life-goals-2023-12) puts a neat twist on jealousy. In her case it showed her what she really wanted to do.

It made me think have I been jealous of someone? I remember being envious of a childhood friend who knew when he was only eleven that he wanted to be an electrical engineer. It might not qualify as jealousy because I realized all the dedication that went into his success.

He was a good story.  To avoid the draft he got a job in a defense company.  He remarked, "It's amazing:  they're paying me to do this stuff."  He was the living embodiment of the saying, "If you never want to work a day in your life, do something your love."

He'd "steal" parts from work, work on them in his home lab at night, and bring them back to work.

He was kicked out of his college's honors program because he was working at the same time.

Besides the "stealing" the incident which stands out to me was his buying a stereo system which had a hum.  He diagnosed the problem, fixed it with a resister or capacitor, and sent them a bill for his labor. (Memory says it was a McIntosh component.)

Rest in peace Lenny.

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