A random mental walk.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

mot juste & crepuscular

I've found myself searching for words lately.  Could be a cold which has now arrived in no uncertain terms or it could be a harbinger of something darker.  Be that as it may, I stumbled across the term mot juste just in time:

Now, if I can remember the pronunciation (those wacky French) I may be able to sound competent.  ("Those wacky French" was a phase one of our French profs used to make light of the difficulty students had with French pronunciation.)

And another word which used to be applicable:

  1. of, relating to, or resembling twilight : dim  
  2. occurring or active during twilight 
In another time I would leave work in the wee hours.  I heard birds which only sang at night and discovered the scents of night blooming flowers.  I was the only one around except for campus safety and the night crews.  I did my grocery shopping without waiting on lines although I'd often have to find the night manager to get behind the checkout register.

My manager at work enjoyed saying that, considering the evidence: avoiding sunlight and being active at night, I was probably a reformed vampire.

But that was then, before other responsibilities intruded.

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