A random mental walk.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Poor Writing: Sherlock, Series II - The Hounds of Baskerville

So disappointing.

Masterpiece Mystery's revised updated Hound of the Baskervilles is to be avoided

That may be old thinking.  In this day and age, with easy access to video editing tools someone is sure to put all the good bits together (Sherlock elucidating his prodigious powers of reasoning) to reduce the wretched hour and a half to a thoroughly enjoyable couple of minutes.

There was a wealth of confusing, blurry camera work in the manner of Blair Witch Project.  (I'm guessing actually.  I never saw the film.)  Whereas car chases could be relied upon to fill out a TV show's time slot, this episode used blurry sequences.

Perhaps I was bothered by the ease with witch Sherlock and Watson cold so blithely waltz into a super secret super secure facility with Mycroft's security card.  (Mycroft is Sherlock's smarter brother.)

Now folks, in the age of cell phones please explain how Sherlock, using his brother's All Access swipe card would not have a picture.  A brief glance at the face on the card would certainly arouse some suspicion.  I should have switched channels, but I decided to give it a chance.   Wrong decision.

Do you think the card Sherlock swiped "some time ago" would still be valid?  One would think that after Philby, Burgess and MacLean (and that scum, Anthony Blunt ) the Brits would have stepped up their security.  At the very least the cards would expire periodically.

Yes I know one shouldn't take these things seriously, but I'm offended by such stupidity.

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