A random mental walk.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Written on 4/7/11 but only now being posted.  The original title was misspelled "Paraphenalia".

On the way to my car this evening I spotted a discarded Sprite bottle on the grass. Ever the conscientious recycler, I picked up the bottle and noticed two holes burned into the side and aluminum foil under the cap.

That's odd I thought. And then - oh rats! - drug paraphernalia. How depressing. Maybe it had been tossed over the fence by some kids from town. I hate to think our students have enough free time away from their studies that they can afford (in multiple senses of the word) to get stoned.

A quick search on the web for bongs found directions and pictures - all so much neater and professional looking than the one I picked up.

I envy people who have the time to get stoned. I'd use the time to make a start on all the books I want to read.

Oh, and yes, the bottle and aluminum foil have been recycled.  It was only afterwards that I realized how my civic deed could be misinterpreted as destroying evidence.

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