A random mental walk.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Stocks Fall After Japan Lifts Nuclear Crisis Levels

(This was originally written on April 12, 2011.0
Why would stocks fall?  The ever mysterious stock market reacting negatively on good news.  Oh wait! "Lifts" means "raise" not lift as in "removes a restriction.  Things are getting worse.  So bad times ahead for Japan means bad times ahead for all.  Combine this with the entrail reading discussions of P/E (or PE10 for the cognoscenti) and it looks like we're in for a dive. 

Quick!  Stock up on canned goods, bottled water, gun, ammo, and triple tax exempt bonds.

(I wanted to include the line "Dark at the end of the road for Bonnie and Clyde", but then I found that it might be one of those things we all know, but what we remember doesn't match with the facts.  The sentence doesn't exist in "The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde".)

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