A random mental walk.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Captain Travis Patriquin

I'd jotted a note to myself on an envelope: "Travis Patrick Quinn".   "XYZ Affair" was also written on the envelope.

A quick web search brought up:
http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/a-tribute-to-captain-travis-patriquin.  The Leonard Lopate interview with William Doyle, author of "A Soldier's Dream: Captain Travis Patriquin and the Awakening of Iraq"   came flooding back along with Patriquin's famous stick figure PowerPoint presentation: "How to Win in Al Anbar.

The "XYZ Affair" was a 1798 incident in the administration of John Adams in which French representatives made unreasonable demands of the United States representatives.  War was narrowly averted, although there were two years in which the nascent American navy captured a number of French privateer vessels.

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