A random mental walk.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

No House Rule Against Poisoning

 Idaho Republican state Representative Aaron von Ehlinger" was accused of raping a 19-year-old intern.   

"Representative Wendy Horman rejected [Ehlinger's] argument that because there was no written rule against dating staffers, there was nothing wrong with the behavior.

"There is no House rule against poisoning another person, yet his behavior has poisoned all of us," Horman said. "Conduct unbecoming is an undefined term for a reason per our rules."


Saturday, April 03, 2021

Not a Typo

 So I'm reading along on MSN and suddenly there's a bizarre bit of text like the one below.  (I know there are no copy editors, so its not their fault.)

I eventually came to the conclusion that the odd text had been or was intended to be a hyperlink.

And that raises an interesting question.  Was it a technological fail?  Was the software which should have enclosed the text with a hypertext link faulty or, more intriguing was what I was seeing a screen scape automatically pasted from another story as text into a template?

I don't know, but just the fact that I've seen this multiple times indicates poor quality control.

The original story came from The Washington Post late on Friday night 4/2/2021 for those who want the original.

Friday, April 02, 2021

Dust My Broom - Koerner, Ray, and Glover

Listening to "Dust My Broom" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcIFqnlLoQA) from the Blues, Rags and Hollers reissue (yup no Oxford comma in the title) I thought I heard and understood a lyric for the first time even though I couldn't make out the first part of stanza.  It turned out that the song was actually on their first self-issued album, but cut from the original Elektra release I bought over a half century ago. 

What you learn from a woman /who can't tell yes from no
What you learn from a letter/when she can't tell gee from haw

My head snapped up when I heard "gee from haw".  I knew the terms from driving an amateur sled dog team.  A web search will show you that the terms were used to command draft animals.

Nice to listen to hear Koerner Ray, and Glover again.

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