A random mental walk.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Paris Hilton: Stars are Blind

One of the computer trade rags I read had a link to photo widgets (slide.com). Among the choices for background music was a song by Paris Hilton ).

Her song was not my first choice, but after I listened to a few of the other songs I thought, oh what the heck, I might as well listen. I've wasted so much time in my life that a few minutes more won't do much to my credit worthiness or social standing. If and when the subject came up I would be on firm ground when I disparaged her singing.

Well, children, I was surprised. "Stars are Blind" is a catchy pop song. I let it repeat several times without embarrassment. There are many sarcastic things which can be said (my poor taste in music, the talent of music producers, etc.), but to my ears, "Stars are Blind" isn't worse than much of what I enjoyed in my teens.

As this is being written Paris Hilton is in jail. Juxtaposing her foray in the music business with her jail time I wondered if she would capitalize on her time in the slammer for a gangsta rap album.

Idle speculation as always.

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