A random mental walk.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Remembering Steve Jobs

Among the tributes and recollections of Steve Jobs I was most affected by David Gewirtz's DIY-IT blog on ZDnet:

"Steve Jobs didn’t just bring Apple computers, music players, and phones to the world. What Steve Jobs brought was elegance, discipline, crisp design, and a forceful sense of right and wrong.

"Steve knew. He just knew what he wanted. He knew what would be right and what would have been right for any other technology executive, but wouldn’t meet his standards."

There were many businesses which were frustrated by his company's secrecy.  By not revealing its hand Apple made it extremely difficult for businesses to plan.  In my only encounter with Apple bureaucracy my university couldn't get an iOS developer license because Apple's licensing procedure required talking to the school's chief legal officer.  It was a Kafkaesque experience.

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