A random mental walk.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Corrugated Fasteners

In preparation for making a crate I was removing hardware from some scrap lumber,  Staples and screws weren't a problem, but the crinkly things at the end of some mitered pieces were really tough.  In the past I was able to wiggled some free, but there had to be a better way.

The first thing was to find out what they were called.  Some stumbling around on the web revealed that the thing is a corrugated fastener.  The comments to "Corrugated Fasteners Everything There Is to know" [sic] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXpP9FkG_LA) yielded this gem of an exchange:

Fred C Dobbs (4 years ago): Would you know how to remove a corrugated fastener?

Stapling & Nailing Supplies Ltd (4 years ago):  Hi Fred it's not a question we've been asked before and unfortunately do not have an answer for you.

Fred C Dobbs (4 years ago): Yes, my marriage proposal was sort of like a corrugated fastener, it was a quick way to get into a inextricable situation.

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