A random mental walk.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Unique Event

Last night I did something I'd never done before. I cannot recall anyone else doing it either. So you're thinking, hmmm, standing up in a hammock? Everyone's done that. This was 14% more unique than saddle sores on a turtle. <inane reference>(This imaginary colloquialism comes from a 70's Colt Malt Liquor radio commercial.)</inane reference>

I broke a toothbrush in my mouth as I was brushing my teeth. (Yeah, lots of people break toothbrushes trying to open paint cans, but claim that the toothbrush broke in their mouth because they don't want to be fined for using the wrong end of a toothbrush as a tool.)

The specifics (in case you want to try to replicate the feat): it was a fairly new Walgreens toothbrush and I was using Colgate toothpaste with calcium. I don't think it's important, but on the offchance that toothbrushes have circadian rhythms the time was about 1 AM daylight savings time.

"Fairly new" means that I'd only been using the toothbrush a few weeks, but it could have been years since I bought the toothbrush. (I tend to buy a few and forget them. Sometime later the packages rematerialize from under a stack of clothes, the back of dresser, or, hey, so that's where it's been hiding under/behind car seats, on top of bookcases, in an old suitcase, etc.)

I'm toying with the idea of sending the toothbrush to Walgreen's to see if they might want to replace the toothbrush. I don't think this is worth an entry in the Guiness Book of Records.

Photos to follow.

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