A random mental walk.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Champagne Bubble Bath

Among the items which show up in my mailbox is Clipper, a coupon magazine. Alongside offerings to reduce wrinkles without Botox and discounts at local eateries was a 50% off offering from three places in the Poconos for 3 days/2 nights for $525 in a "Champagne Tower Suite". The ad was illustrated with a picture like the one below.
My initial response was, Whoa! I wouldn't want to take a header out of that! Nothing says romance like slipping out of a gigantic champagne glass and crashing to the floor. It would be talk of the EMS for years.

Now here's something worthy of investigation. Someone must find this appealing. A quick web search for "Champagne Tower"showed that not only was there a "Champagne Tower by Cleopatra", but a "Champagne Tower from Rome". Who knew? The site says it's for couples. Same sex couples? In this economic climate their money may be gratefully appreciated.

I must have a defective romantic gene combined with an unreasonable fear of bodily harm. The ad has no appeal to be except as a voyeur. I wouldn't be surprised if an upcoming Survivor type reality show has a "Champagne Tower Challenge". Those more creative than myself will dream up the challenge, but I imagine that the contestants will have to perform something requiring manual dexterity and balance in a tower filled with Ripple "sparkled" with seltzer.

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