A random mental walk.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hadju at Port Washington

Riffing on the January 24 entry in Tom Bodett's blog: while I was out shoveling snow a few days ago, someone else while enjoying a stroll on a sunny beach cut their foot on a sharp stone. Now, due to inattention, they are writhing in agony while I'm typing this blog entry.

Ahh, life can be sweet.

On another matter, I got to see David Hajdu at the Port Washington Library talking about his book Heroes and Villians and buy an autographed copy of the book. The program scheduler at the library told me that my name actually meant first born and beloved. That's nice I told her and in my case was probably appropriate. With tongue firmly planted in their cheeks, my parents referred to me as "the Jesusil". (The simplest explanation would be Yiddish for the infant Jesus.)

I will probably have the last photograph of Hajdu with his beard. To his surprise his beard came in almost white. He intended to shave it off the next day. (He pointed out that my beard is unusually darker than my hair.)

There was a young woman at the checkout desk with strikingly dark makeup around her eyes. The effect was more Edward Gorey's kohl-eyed woman than Goth. I asked her if I could take her picture. She wasn't sure, asking me if I was a photographer. "I replied that I was an indifferent one." I went on to tell her that her appearance changed markedly from front to profile and that her eye makeup was more reminiscent of the 70's than the young women around the college. It turned out, surprise, surprise, that she's a student where I work.

I gave her my e-mail address in case she should change her mind about being photographed. I've got to remember to print out and carry release forms.

"Hell hath no wrath like a woman with proof." - Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me"

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