A random mental walk.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Stephanie Plum

I was gathering paper to recycle when I came across the name "Stephanie Plum" written on a sheet of paper.  The paper was originally a note from the department secretary about a student, but had been annotated with notes about MARIE assembler, a few phone numbers I didn't recognize, but seemed to be local, and some calculations related to computer memory addressing.
A web search quickly found Janet Evanovich's web site and then Katherine Hegl's film, "One for the Money".  The film was not released for critical review.  Uh oh!  A very bad sign.

Setting that aside, Stephanie Plum is the heroine of novels written by Janet Evanovich and I'm sure I got the name from an NPR interview, either for her latest book, Explosive Eighteen or "Stephanie Plum: Trenton's Scrappy Bounty Hunter".

Now with that out of the way I can recycle the paper.

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