A random mental walk.

Monday, July 11, 2011

61.5 Full-Time-Equivalent Positions

I thought I'd found another instance of public idiocy in the second paragraph of the story, "Washington State Shrinks IT Department’s Head Count" in Government Technology.  Was the Washington State Department of Information Services reducing their head count by 61.5 employees?  The image of the average family with 2.5 children flashed across my mind, with the attendant explanation by statistics profs that, no, the average family was not the result of an error in imitating Solomon's decision, but just the result of a mathematical calculation.
The department is cutting 61.5 full-time-equivalent positions from its 460-person work force, an opening salvo in further changes that will fundamentally alter the department’s future.
OK it's equivalents, not actual people.  The wait continues for a genuine example of a goof of this sort.

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