A random mental walk.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Some Quotes and Rock is Dead

From Nancy deWolf Smith's article, "Somebody Out There Hates Us" in the March 11th 2011 Wall Street Journal:

"In Housewivesland, dogs are small; kids are rude and on heroin or some other path to perdition; and men tend come [sic] in only a few basic models: control freak, leech, loser—or payer of alimony."

"Rock is dead.  Long live Paper and Scissors!" I wrote this on the back of an envelope.  A web search showed that it is a popular slogan on T-shirts (the first I found on a web search was on Zazzle), infant onesies, and a live journal blog by"sarasaloser".
"Obama has now fired more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace Prize winners combined."
A good witticism makes the rounds of the web.  

And here are some political quotes from the February 21, 2010 New York Times (yes, still behind in my reading):

"You can lead a man to Congress, but you cannot make him think." Milton Berle as quoted by Evan Bayh.

"Republicans lead in the wrong direction and Democrats are unable to lead in any direction at all." - Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican, but an independent at the time of the comment.

Krista Tippett paraphrasing part of a poem by Rilke, "the ephemeral nature of things is they're [sic] very fragrance." in an interview with Joanna Macy. (Transcript at http://being.publicradio.org/programs/2010/wild-love-for-world/transcript.shtml) 

subpoena duces tecum –noun Law a writ directing a person court to bring some document described in the writ.

Garage sale copy: "Boy meets girl...girl moves in....boy and girl have way too much stuff."
"I've seen better film on my teeth." - Berzerkirsrage (a comment on IMDB to the film Devil's Double before the film was officially released).

"I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger....then it hit me." -JohnT Fitzgerald (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?127117-Biesemeyer-fence-versus-SS-T-Glide)

"You know, if talk was criminal, you'd lead a life of crime,
Because your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime.
~Your Mind Is On Vacation",  Mose Allison

Woody Guthrie once said, “Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.”

Voltaire on medicine: "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." Maureen Dowd, NY Times 9/28/2011.

"Watched code never compiles." Maximilien on http://www.codeproject.com/Lounge.aspx?msg=4172152#xx4172152xx.

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